1 month. 8,000 miles. 16 states. Nick, Janie and a Prius.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 06 - NM

UFO Museum.

This is Blue, he laid under our table while we ate and snagged our leftovers at Chileo's.

After this Nick had to stop at the police station to use their bathroom. Good call on the medicine bag Gram.

White Sands National Monument.

I'm a nerd.

Another large, unidentifiable insect.

We had to stop at two border-control checkpoints.

Old chums.

I got a jalapeno lollipop here- super hot but delish.


Crossin' the Rio Grande.

We're beat. It's been a really long and really hot day in New Mexico.


  1. cutest nerds everrrrr i check this every night before beddd i'm so living through you. me and mommy and cj caught a cat today and noxmixian and brought it home (no i didn't name it nigpuss) but i went to go get it water and mom dropped it and it skeeedaddled so now its gone and im so bummeddddd.
    but anyways thats all thats happening in my life, please buy me one of those glow in the dark pottys you were talking about.
    love you

  2. I really love the landscape shots, and the giant Uncle Sam...with his hand out of course! You guys look like you're having so much fun! I'm so proud of you and happy for you. Hope you're feeling better Nick! Thanks guys for keeping up with this blog. We really do look forward to checking it out each day and feel privelaged that you take us all with you on this amazing road trip! We love you...keep making memories!
    Aubrey's favorite pic. was the sign for Elephant Butte State park. Her quote, "Did you see any real elephant butts? Brody and his friends were playing with their walkie talkies and they caught up with some people truck drivers by mistake and said they were from George Washington D.C. From Aubrey...because Brody isn't here. Oh yeah and have fun in Arizona".
    Brody left yesterday for a camping trip with a good friend and his family.

  3. I agree w/jaz-you are the cutest nerd ever. Last night I babysat Mya while Neely was at work and stayed overnight. So I didn't get the chance to blog last night. Loving all the pics..not sure about ole Blue, he's got an evil look about him. Nick, you better lay off the Mexican food or you'll need more than the pills I gave you. You definitely have some contest winning photos. The one at White Sands National Park with the Yucca plant and the clouds. AWESOME! Oh, and also the Yucca plant with BIG unidentifiable bug. WINNERS! I would image today will be the day you visit Mesa Verda, the cliff dwellings. Those pics will bring back memories of when pop-pop and I were there in the 70's. Oh my sooooo...long ago. I always look forward to your pics and witty comments. I'm enjoying this awesome trip too! Can't wait to see where I'm going next!!! Lots of Gram hugs to both of you.

  4. Hey, we just wanted to let
    Nick know where Lexy and Max hang out all night, but I can't seem to figure out if I can insert my own pictures in here for you. Ashley had her pool party today, I'm sure your real sorry you missed that. We love ya's.
